Oh, isn't she lovely?

This sweet little jumper is "a nod to the end of a season: summer proportions and autumn materials." It looks specifically designed for gamboling and general mischief. I wholeheartedly approve.

Rigorously structured and tailored to a T, Anna's clothes are what I wish pretty girls would wear.

Lovely stuff -- everything looks vaguely saucy, but presentable. Though I think you might get into some trouble with that jumper.

wow REALLY beautifully made, a craftswoman indeed!
forget the pretty girls, these are clothes i wish i wore! that dress is perfection.
Wow! These are my dream clothes! So how can we buy them from her?
Actually, she sells through a couple of boutiques in LA. If you'd like, I can update with more information about how to contact her, or the stores that carry her work. I'm so glad people like them; they are even more beautiful in person.
I'm happy to confirm that a good jumper brings nothing but trouble. Something about the ability to cuff one's shorts if one wanted to that makes nothing impossible.
these look fabulous !!!
I'd love for you to update the post with her contact info/the store's contact info!
These are beautiful, so is she.
Love her clothing. I would love to have the store info even though I am in Providence. She is so sweet on TV!
Hey Nick, I came across your page while trying to find out how to buy some of Anna's designs. It looks like you haven't reposted with the boutique information. If you get a chance, do you think you might be able to do that/send me an email telling me how and where I can get my hands on some of her dresses? That would be amazing. I'm at katiekentuckychambers@gmail.com. Always happy to support fellow RISDers, especially those as talented as Anna. -Katie
Anna is stunning in terms of beauty. I love how she models.
-Zane of ontario honey
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