When I look back at all the lovely costumes my mother made me over the years, it almost makes me feel guilty ... all that work for one rainy night.
Memorable years: the Love Ghost (a romantic version of the scary classic sheet-over-the-head, but with hearts cut out with pinking shears appliqued over the whole thing), and the Little Lame Prince (hero of a Victorian children's book, who dressed in pantaloons and a mystical cape that allowed him to travel, despite his paralyzed legs). The Prince costume saw traffic for years, until the doublet no longer fit. I wish I had pictures of those ... I'm sure they're somewhere.
My college years were less creative, maybe.

I think the runner costume falls under the realm of costumes designed to allow you to wear less clothing and look cute. Dumb idea. Everyone else looks charming, though. I love Holly as a little bumble bee. That night ended in a police chase for her, complete with scaled fences and mugshots.
This one I'm prouder of:
What am I, you ask? Puffin Capote, of course (Truman Capote dressed as a puffin).
Oh my goodness. There's no picture of Puffin Capote! No!
geez louise ... glitch! soon to be fixed. thanks for alerting me!
Phew! I'm glad it's not my computer. I was like "Why can't I see it!? ):"
Cute runner costume!
Goodness, how I await Puffin Capote. Will I be able to think of much else until my curiosity is catered to?
In the meantime, I'll agree: It IS sad when one outgrows one's doublet.
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