
Let's Make Masks, Like We Used To

You can choose to be something prettier if you like, but I elect to be the Wolfman. With the beard I'm rocking these days, it's not that much of a stretch.

When I look back at all the lovely costumes my mother made me over the years, it almost makes me feel guilty ... all that work for one rainy night.

Memorable years: the Love Ghost (a romantic version of the scary classic sheet-over-the-head, but with hearts cut out with pinking shears appliqued over the whole thing), and the Little Lame Prince (hero of a Victorian children's book, who dressed in pantaloons and a mystical cape that allowed him to travel, despite his paralyzed legs). The Prince costume saw traffic for years, until the doublet no longer fit. I wish I had pictures of those ... I'm sure they're somewhere.

My college years were less creative, maybe.

I think the runner costume falls under the realm of costumes designed to allow you to wear less clothing and look cute. Dumb idea. Everyone else looks charming, though. I love Holly as a little bumble bee. That night ended in a police chase for her, complete with scaled fences and mugshots.

This one I'm prouder of:

What am I, you ask? Puffin Capote, of course (Truman Capote dressed as a puffin).


Jacqui said...

Oh my goodness. There's no picture of Puffin Capote! No!

Nick Heywood said...

geez louise ... glitch! soon to be fixed. thanks for alerting me!

Choy said...

Phew! I'm glad it's not my computer. I was like "Why can't I see it!? ):"

Cute runner costume!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, how I await Puffin Capote. Will I be able to think of much else until my curiosity is catered to?

In the meantime, I'll agree: It IS sad when one outgrows one's doublet.


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