
Movie Night, Anyone? John Hughes and the Homestead

This is about the time of year I usually return to Chicago, but this year it's not working out. Just like Thanksgiving, I'll miss about a million little traditions, but the one I'll miss the most is the annual trip to the Art Institute to see what's up, with my family and the Vaughans & Terminis, who are two families I have known since birth. The Art Institute is like another family member; I took art classes there as a kid, went at least once a week when I was in High School (it was on the way home) ... it's where I learned about anatomy, ahem.

But if I can't go with my usual companions, maybe John Hughes and Ferris Bueller will do:

I've watched this like a million times (it reminds me so much of my own time at the Art Institute). But it was only this last time that I realized it's set to a weird arrangements of one of my favorite songs, Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want, by The Smiths:

I always thought it would make a good Christmas song; what do you think? Sung by a chorus of beseeching children?


Mlle Paradis said...

Another great post Nick! I'd forgotten those pictures were there. You really upped that wistful quotient.

Alexander said...

that is a good song. i still remember discovering morrissey (smiths) via the shoplifters of the world video.

K:ra said...

i listened to it while my officemate had her xmas music going - and it totally works, and i think we need to find a horde of beseeching children stat!

Kate said...

oh, hi! i like your blog so much! i'll be making my very first trip to chicago, for new year's. any recommendations?

Nick Heywood said...


I can think of a million places you should go, and of course I would put the Art Institute at the top of my list. But what kind of suggestions are you looking for? More than happy to suggest! And thanks for the kind words.

valéry said...

Wonderfull song.

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