Ms. Adelman has generously listed detailed instructions and material sources for this beautiful light fixture, the You Make It. But the real question is, can I possibly complete this for our dinner party this Saturday? This is what came in the mail on Monday, in a million pieces:

The wiring came yesterday, and I'm skeptical ... it look pretty dainty, very thin, but maybe that's what's inside light fixtures. I've figured from the diagrams how it all fits together (I think), without any of the arrangement that will make it a more dynamic object.
Results and explanations of struggles forthcoming.
You can do it, you can do it...!
I have every faith in your abilities, do let us know how it goes!
Thanks for the votes of confidence, guys. I'll post all pertinent pictures.
OMG. You are going to do wiring yourself? I am full of admiration. I would certainly electrocute myself but I have no doubt you will be able to get it done. Just don't confuse the green and the red wires! I like this little bog of yours by the way.
I am also trying to make the same light. I sew your very nice dinner party picts post on Remodelista! In order to hung from the ceiling, did you use 3conductors instead of 2conductors? Would you advise me how to wire this 3 one?
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