"Alla brought Yuri Norstein, the most famous Russian animator ever, to Chicago, and a couple nights ago I went to see a screening of one of his films/Q&A. He was cantankerous and old and absolutely repulsed by the idea of computers being used for anything; whenever someone asked how something was done, he began his reply with, 'Not with a computer!' But he's been working on his latest film for thirty years, and I can't help but feel like a computer could have sped things up a little..."
"(As an aside, the film he's working on is an adaptation of Gogol's story The Overcoat, which I haven't read, but the conversation got heated when some members of the U of C Slavic department disagreed with his interpretation of the main character. It was hilarious: a lot of over-educated people asking questions the chief purpose of which was to demonstrate their own erudition: a lot of frenzied Russian; an old man defending his reading of a story that had been his passion for longer than we've been alive.)"
"Anyway, the film they screened is called Tale of Tales. I found it beautiful, sad, and at times creepy, and you should see it if you haven't already. It's won a million awards and is a favorite film of Miyazaki's.
It's too bad there's not a higher quality video of it, because the detail and technical perfection of the film print are a little sullied by the transition to a fuzzy mess. Still, I thought you might enjoy it. I have a weakness for sad-eyed little wolves."
As do I, Andy, as do I.
As do I, Andy, as do I.
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