There are only a few things guaranteed to make me smile, but Vuillard interiors do the trick. Everyone bends over backward talking about the pattern in Matisse's odalisque paintings, but my vote goes to Eduard Vuillard when it comes to pattern in interior space. I could literally look at these for hours -- the color relationships are so extraordinary, the combination in scale and color of pattern kills me.
Some are tart and sharp:


This one reminds me of the
Red House -- assured perfection, relaxed and comfortable:

One day, I will have a room in precisely this color:


And to bed:
You have great taste. Vuillard's interiors are wonderful but maybe a bit tough to live in.
I simply adore Vuillard...I've stood in front of one exterior landscape that was at the at Moma...just stood there and felt that warm smile deep in my belly. these are truly lovely.
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