Woody Allen answers this about as well as anyone else I've found:
The gist in this next clip is much the same, but I'm dense, and I need to hear it a couple of times ... and I think this scene is just so beautiful. In my case, substitute "Tracy" with "Steven:"
There are simply so many things and people to love.
What would be on your list? I think this blog functions as my list, but I think I'll work on a real one, a little collection. Probably, Manhattan and Hannah and Her Sisters will be on it. Show you later. But what would you say, readers from a seemingly endless list of countries? What do you love so much it makes life worthwhile?
Hello Nick. I just recently discovered your blog with the Balthus post. What marvelous photos I must say! Thank you for posting them.
I understand thoroughly your grief over your beloved cat. I lost a very special one named Jasper over seven years ago. He was trained to a harness and accompanied me on camping and hiking trips in Franconia, NH and Rangeley, Maine.
I still have his non-camping companion, a coon cat named Miss Pearl who is now pushing 15. And her new side-kick, a captivating devil in fur named Mica.
So, as much as I know that it will pain me greatly some time in the future, its my cats that make life worth getting up for a lot of the time. Also a small number of close human friends who I hope will out-live me!
Other things include the place in New Hampshire where I live (which is absolutely beautiful) and my collage art, which has helped to sustain me spiritually, intellectually and creatively. I'd also have to add blogging and books to the list. Have you read Judith Viorst's "The Tenth Good Thing About Barney" ?
color color color: animal, vegetal and mineral. and the grace that art makes.
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