It's called the Joyce Cabinet and costs close to 5,000 British pounds, which might as well be a billion dollars as far as I'm concerned. What gives? I loveLOVE love it, and each millimeter of carefully considered perfection (note the curve where the leg meet the carcass of the cabinet), but for about 5 of these cabinets I could buy a vast abandoned house with this built into its attic:

I also love this cupboard, and I see a certain kinship between the two. The house is also pretty extraordinary -- 1880s, slate mansard roof, pocket doors, the works. Craptastic neighborhood, though, and while exploring it with a friend I found a gun (unloaded) stashed above a doorframe (uh, yikes). But I might overlook all that for the cupboard in the attic.
I think we should start buying some of these houses in Providence, revamping them and become design slum lords. I smell a reality show.
love it! especially the Joyce Cabinet but you know how I feel about lived in spaces and used loved objects.
perfectly sublime pairing . . . & what stories the attic cupboard could tell, don't you think?
5000 pounds for a cabinet? That's pretty pricy.
-Zane of ontario honey
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