These are all from Spain, and hideously expensive, not to mention an ocean away.

These next ones are seizure-inducing they're so beautiful!

If you can't tell, I'm a big fan of pattern. Vuillard would be proud!
You can buy new examples very similar to these illustrate above here, here, here and here.
Fabulous! I brought tiles back with me from Portugal and they still delight me, propped upon bookshelves or used as coasters. :-)
My brother and I put in Spanish concrete tiles for a house Katie Ridder was doing in Watch Hill. They were hexagonal, black, light blue, grey, dark blue, white bullseye (does that make sense?). To top it off it was for the clients 10 year old boys...OY! My back!
and 10 mins later i find this:
Not fair, NOT FAIR!
I have a bit if Mexican tile for you, salvaged from a reworked kitchen!
Love these complex title patterns.
-Zane of ontario honey
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