Past works:

Their materials are limited to multi-colored masking take, and their work lasts only as long as the tape holds. A closer view:

For the Children's Museum of the Arts, they will be illustrating the collected stories of patrons, an excerpt of which are collected below:

Monkeys taking over the world in a taco spaceship ... I've always enjoyed tacos and singerie, so I'm betting I'd enjoy this scene. I'm sending this image reference to Prescott:

Other ideas:

Future designer, perhaps.This girl clearly wants to direct:

And leaving nothing to chance, on the reverse she illustrates her vision:

The show has two openings -- both are on Thursday, July 15th, at 182 Lafayette -- the Children's Reception is from 4:o0 to 6:00, while the General Reception is 6:30 to 8:00. I wish I could be there! I expect it will have all the charm, naivete and sophistication of a Henri Rousseau painting.
1 comment:
I love all the figurines.
-Zane of ontario honey
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