Later we headed to Joyce's place to rest after our conquest and talk of books. This is the writing corner of Joyce's well appointed library, with little apple orchard outside (one tree):

She lent me a well-loved and worn copy of Silas Marner, by George Eliot, who is one of Joyce's great heroes. I can see this, as they are both quite unconventional. Here is Joyce lighting the candles before the excellent dinner she served us:

Isn't the runner a lovely mossy green? She didn't have a runner per se to use, so she just laid out her favorite cashmere scarf, which I think looks quite lovely. Good job, Joyce. I applaud your unconventional and wholly satisfying table setting! Cashmere is a nice touch on the table.
I'll leave you with these sage words from a dedication plaque in St. Stephens (which I find much more useful than that stupid "Keep Calm, Carry On" poster that has weirdly gained prominence in the last few years):

I have to thank you for sharing my disdain of said stupid poster.
She sounds like an absolute gem! One of the ladies that really makes me look forward to my future.
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