I find the following room so enchanting, not so much for anything other than that it seems to be composed of CMU (concrete masonry unit) walls, a cheap brick floor (which I've never understood how people properly clean) and a whitewashed foundation wall. I seriously wonder if it's in the same house, as CMU is a more common materials in the USA, but what a transformation of humble materials:

Now I have to admit a prejudice to you, dear reader: I generally abhor diagonals used almost anywhere, but particularly in architectural plan and furniture arrangement. They strike me as contrived, almost no matter what you do. A jauntily angles bed, sofa, armoire ... ugh. But! Here, Calder has placed his dining table to collide with a diagonal wall of (sliding?) glass, and oh, what perfection. Sitting within, it looks like you're flying off into the greenery without, and I can't think of anywhere I'd rather sit. I also like the radio on the table, but wonder if the artless deshabille of the chairs is how they were usually kept:

Pretty kitchen. Who needs fancy appliances? Like the unremarked transition from wood to tile flooring:

Pretty studio. Love the textured wall, like something from a Roman ruin:

Pretty biedemeier (or empire? what do we think?), coupled with fresh modernity. And note the unfinished floors, so au courant and simultaneously old fashioned:

For me, this is all about the beam and the fireplace. Yum:

And this looks like my bedroom in Rome! I miss it so. It had the same combination of insane ceiling height, glancing light and colorful textiles (in my case, the result of a month spent in Morroco, though I'd love to know where Calder collected his):

Found here, excerpted from Calder at Home: The Joyous Environment of Alexander Calder by Pedro Guerreo.
I do so love your blog and the things you post and write about!
Thanks, Justine! It really warms the cockles of my heart to hear it.
I think this is his house in France. He had a home in Connecticut but as I remember the Connecticut house was a lovely converted post and beam barn or stable.
By the way, in one of your earlier posts you mentioned the Palazzo Cenci in Rome. I went to a student show there in '01 with my brother (Tyler instructor).
Great blog!
waouh ! quel bel et bon endroit ..
I love the mat that has the circle type splashes of color on it.
-Zane of ontario honey
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