They travel in flocks of plane-jane chickadees, but are rare in the extreme, and nearly impossible to see. Boreal Chickadees go about life discreetly, unaware of their celebrity in certain circles of bird watchers -- pursued and desired, ever elusive and seemingly pedestrian.

When finally we saw them, flitting through a copse of trees near the edge of a cliff overlooking the Bay of Fundy, it felt invasive and satisfying at once -- like peering into the windows of a house a dusk. I would love to see the little beasts again.

How sweet and secretive they are. I very much admire their subtle coloring and incognito ways.
All photos taken this summer on Grand Manan Island by Steve Thompson Sr.
Hi Nick! I love your blog.
I understand it's not the same, but have you ever been to Morton Wildlife Refuge near Sag Harbor? If you hold out a hand with seed, a (regular ol')chickadee will land on your fingertip. It's amazing.
That was a fun trip and finally seeing the Boreal Chickadee was a treat. Their habitat is in danger due to logging in the Boreal forest in Atlantic Canada - a great resource to check out is the Conversation Council of New Brunswick if anyone is interested in helping raise awareness.
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