Presumably her great grandfather's bedroom, which looks precisely as I wished my teenage bedroom to look, complete with Stickley:

And camping -- what I love about this photo is that it's clearly play-camping -- note the crenelated roof of a mansion with mansard roof in the background, peeping over the tent. And the furniture! I'm all about this type of rustic:

And later, on his grand tour, in Capri. Blue grotto, anyone?

These are brilliant! There are a lot of Ladds in South County...any relation?
It's very possible -- yes, even probably. We might go see Eva's grandmother's castle this weekend, which is somewhere in South County. Do you know any Ladds? She has several cousins still in the state.
Is eva named after her grandmother, a german lady? if so, I know the family, the castle and the weeping beech trees that go with it!
Why yes, she is! A remarkable German lady -- fascinating family. How funny and small Rhode Island is ...
And I believe, sadly, that the castle is on the market.
NAY!!! If only this lad of the servant class could afford the Ladd castle. I vaguely remember a gigantic cross knocker on a gothic door...
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