Reminds me in particular of the staircase frescoes completed in Würzburg, Germany, that show Apollo and an allegorical depiction of the continents.

"Giambattista and Domenico designed each section to be viewed from specific 'stopping points' specified by the patron. Here visitors climbing the staircase could pause to admire the work, and appreciate how the perspective of the fresco seemed to adjust to their position in the room. This imaginative use of perspective helps the allegorical image come alive for viewers, but can make this three-dimensional painting look awkward in two-dimensional photographs."
Perhaps learning a lesson from this utterly modern problem faced by the Würzburg Tiepolos, Mr. West decided to adopt an awkwardly flat composition in his video.
What do we think? I can't be the only person who sees a resemblance.
Hey come back we miss you - did you have a great holiday season?
I think this was influenced by Kehinde Wiley
oops or if you like you can get tapestries too if you have $20,000
I'm back! And yes, my Christmas was wonderful -- how was yours?
I can see some resemblance with Kehinde Wiley, but mostly only that they're both neo-Baroque/Rococo and depict African Americans. Wiley so seldom has much sense of pictorial space, choosing instead to put people in front of patterned backgrounds. Though yeah, it makes sense that they appear similar, because both West's video and Wiley's paintings look to the Tiepolo legacy, or at least high Baroque. Love it all.
And thanks for pointing out the tapestries -- unfortunately, out of the budget : (.
I love that song from him too. The song and the music video are fantastic. Kayne is quite talented. It's interesting to see what he based his music video on.
-Zane of ontario honey
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