These have to look of a carress, how lovingly the artist renders each vein or feather in brilliant detail ...

"The Ethelind Pope Brown Collection of South Carolina Natural History at the University of South Carolina consists of thirty two watercolour sketches of flora and fauna from the South East United States, produced between about 1765 and 1775."
discovered here.
Wow, these are absolutely stunning. The detail is incredible! I've often wished I could draw like this, but alas, tis not to be. :-)
these are very beautiful, thank you for sharing!
I LOVE these. The tendrils on the vines and the slight smile's on the fish(Your a fish and you can fly?! You best be happy!) are my two favorite details of these pieces.
I can't get over the amazing details that are in these drawings of the birds and even the fish.
-Zane of ontario honey
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