Latest in a long line of obsessions: the tile mural of London illustrator Laura Carlin:

Her work has just the level of studied naivety that kills me every time. I wish there was an adequate word to describe it. These depicts scenes through windows:

And a war between North & South London:

A few things I will say, though, as much as I love these -- I think they would be better served on tiles with less of a fillet at the corner, and no rounding to the edge. It's not that I want the images to be more seamless, it's just that these tiles don't seem adequately considered. Too fussy. If we were to completely humor Nick, I'd like to see them on some marvelous thick, irregular straight-cut planes of varying thicknesses, like you see in Portuguese azulejos. Like cut slabs of bread, slathered with butter.
Introduced to her ceramic work through the latest WOI, (which I totally trumped when it came to writing about the work of Ellie Curtis).
1 comment:
I love titles in bathrooms that are created with home made art. It just so much more wild and creative that way. I want a monkey draw on one of my bathroom tiles. Then on another title I want a dog and cat play fighting.
-Zane of ontario honey
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