
First Cut of the Season

I've never loved the smell of grass all that much, or really cared for lawns in the first place, but my indifference was challenged yesterday morning on a walk to the post office. Passing the statehouse, the smell of the freshly cut green was undeniably pleasurable, even intoxicating, an overpowering reminder of the growth of all things.

I know this lawn well -- many a time I've paused (and even slept) on the ridge leading to this plain. There's nothing more delicious than a nap on the grass on a summer night, especially if you're exhausted and a bit drunk from a bar or dinner downtown, and continuing up the hill seems impossible. I'll even admit I've been awakened by sprinklers a few times, but luckily it's a bit too early in the season for that.

If not inclement, I highly recommend a nap in the sweet-smelling grass today.


katiekentucky said...

Oh, Rhode Island, how I miss you. I think my favorite hangout spot and vote for coolest library ever has to go to the Athenaeum. Sigh.

Nick Heywood said...

Katie, funny you should mention it -- I've been planning an Athenaeum post for a while.

katiekentucky said...

Oh, please do it! I've spent entire days there reading on the sofas. It would be so wonderful to see it through your eye!

Anonymous said...

I love to cut grass. I find it super fun. I know I'm weird.

-Zane of ontario honey

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