It was melancholy and beautiful and wet, with a soft even light all day and a heavenly smell of crushed leaves and sea salt. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, though I didn't suffer any of the big-time damage and it's much easier for me to be glib about it.
Though it was scheduled for Wednesday, the closing on our house didn't go through until Friday, which was irritating but not unexpected -- true to form, RIers wasted no weather opportunity to declare a state of emergency and run screaming through the streets. I swear, in Chicago we have windstorms that fell more trees and disrupt more power lines on a yearly basis, and without the hullabaloo. But I digress -- you've asked to see the house:

The beautiful hovel that will one day be my studio/shop(?):
The semi-decent kitchen:
This room was used as the dining room, but will be something closer to a living room for us:
More pictures to come -- and it looks very little like this now. We spent a weekend on demo, ripping up vile carpeting, pulling wallpaper, cleaning, painting, scraping up glue, all with the help of Steven's parents, brother and sister in law. Much fun was had by all, and I will supply photos and talk about the process over time ... even in its barren state, it's better already.
thanks and yippee, what a great place!! Character, charm- great bones as they say. What a great place to start with. Have fun.
IT'S PERFECT! Gash, I'm am just so overwhelmed with excitement/envy for you! You really found a great one.
What a charming house, and with such potential! Congratulations.
Thanks for the kind words! It does have potential, and hopefully we will be able to realize some of that potential over time. Pictures will be coming soon of the house sans outdoor carpeting indoors, and no more acoustic ceiling in the living room!
Wheeee!!! So wonderful!
The kitchen looks like a great base to start from to me- the stove is awesome, nice beadboard and the cabinets are completely inoffensive! Oh man, I couldn't be more thrilled for you and Steve.
And Amy, you haven't even seen pictures of the interior of the studio ... you'll want to kill me even more. But if it makes you feel any better, it likely needs to be picked up and have a foundation put under it, and reshingled on three sides. And extensively restored windows. And electricity? That would be nice. I fully expect to spend more on this folly than the house.
Your ripping out the carpet. Wow you most really want to take this place and make it into something totally different. Good for you.
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