The key, I think, is to wear them with an otherwise completely prosaic outfit. They remind me of these ammmmmmmaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzing Dr. Martens (which, despite their recent resurgence, I almost entirely despise) that were vividly colored in primary hues (plus green), everything in one bright color: sole in matching colored rubber, eyelets enameled, laces DTM. They were in some English store or other, on sale, and I didn't buy them. Never to be seen again. Wait, I've found an image:

They were called "Dr Martens Primary Pascal 8 Eye" and I still want a pair. But those more subtle reds depicted at the top of the post are just as good, and certainly more wearable. Found here, care of Todd Snyder.
whose show was that? i kind of need those shoes too.
"For his American in Paris collection, Todd Snyder, in his words, took 'traditional pieces your dad handed down to you and made them cool.' Loosely based on the wardrobes of that quirky cast of bons vivants in Brassai photographs from the 1930s, the slender tweed pants mixed with military-inspired pieces layered with tailored jackets and Chesterfield coats seemed straight out of 'Midnight in Paris.' "
The link is listed above at the end of the post, and it all looks great.
I love the shoes in yellow and green personally. Al through red and blue look pretty nice too.
-Zane of ontario honey
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