
Urban Endangered Species. Also, Mark Hearld.

Have I told you about they squirrels in our outbuilding? No? Well, they're very cute, and the scamper around a lot, and Aesop the Cat loves watching them, and they chewed three large holes through the roof of my outbuilding. Also, completely stripped about 4 feet of electrical wiring (thank god it was disconnected) -- how much will it cost to fix all this? Let's just say I could visit London for a few months for less. With airfare.

I don't get it -- Squirrels, I have been your champion! As a child, I read an article in National Geographic about how squirrels were the urban endangered species, and ever since I've done everything to support squirrel's rights. I have to say, they look a lot less cute to me now.

Nonetheless, I do find the latest Mark Hearld print offered from St. Jude's quite charming. Less so the actual squirrels in my yard.


AnitaNH said...

I had to chuckle knowingly when I read about your squirrel problem. They are in no way endangered in my rural neighborhood, where squirrels of all types abound.
Glad that you are back posting your beautiful photographs!

Anonymous said...

I love the painting of the squirrels. Wait are they squirrels or rabbits?

-Zane of ontario honey

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