Let's shop for insanely expensive antique campaign furniture, shall we? I so prefer to travel with trunks.

becomes a place to sleep:

and this ...

for playing:

a satchel ...

for sitting:

and this ...

for blogging, and other writing:

But still we have the issue of linen suits ...

how to keep them hung and wrinkle free while trekking?

Steven is joining me for phase 2 of the journey, and has requirements of his own, which should fit comfortably within this:


Good to go! Thanks, Kyra, for finding another way for me to waste time, via this website.
Oh wow, thanks for sharing that site! I think productivity today will be shot with looking through gorgeous antiques.
now for servants and a cook...
a boot boy! I must have a boot boy.
i absolutely love all of these.
I love how the big box is just used to store wine. How classy.
-Zane of ontario honey
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