"I've seen a young girl in a parking lot
preaching to a crowd
singing sacred songs and
reading from the Bible
Well I told her I was lost
and she told me all about the Pentecost
And I seen that girl as the road to my survi-val
Just later on the very same night
She crept to my tent with a flashlight
and my long years of innocence ended
She took me to the woods sayin'
"Here comes somethin' and it feels so good!"
And just like a dog I was befriended
I was befriended
Oh, oh, what a night
Oh what a garden of delight
Even now that sweet memory lingers
I was playin' my guitar
lying underneath the stars
Just thankin' the Lord for my fingers
For my fingers ... "

Geez, remember how that felt? Spring is all over the place here ... Sweet New England has blossomed in my absence.
Hola, I'm back. With lots of incredible things to show you, care of Colombia ... but in the meantime, I thought I'd show you two longtime loves.
welcome back nick! loved the chair from the maison de verre, and have ALWAYS wanted to see fitzcarraldo (why have i not?!) both places are on my to do list. and what about colombia?
These paintings are mind blowing!! Where are they from?
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