This is an area that our floor guy wanted to rip out, if you can believe it; I love the way it has been patched and pieced together. It's the threshold between the entryway and living room, where a wall used to be:
And mid-progress -- this is a semi-gloss finish in Vermont Natural Coatings, which I'll talk more about in a future post. We did two coats in semi-gloss, and the last coat in satin, which is quite dull.
I was worried that the color was too yellow (and in fact, it reads more yellow in these photos), but they turned out beautifully, irregularities and all.
No sooner were they finished and dry than they were hidden away for who knows how long, while we work on the walls and paint/wallpaper (!):
Oh, these shrouds ...
Great floors. I love the irregularities too. It makes me wonder if that decorative stairway was put in after the original wall was removed, and if so, when? Lots of stories in that house.
Do you think these floors were originally intended to be painted? Those in our Federal era house ca. 1817 in upstate NY were originally intended to be either painted or covered with fitted floor cloths or carpeting. Our LR floors are of the widest and most irregular planks, designed to be covered with wall-to-wall fitted carpet. Our architectural historian likened them to today's plywood sub-flooring. Although we have put period appropriate fitted carpets in most of the formal rooms of the house, we left the LR floor wood, but painted it, as we liked its irregular roughness, and have covered it with an inexpensive bound seagrass carpet from Pottery Barn versus the more costly fitted ingrain or Brussels carpeting options used in the other rooms. I;m quite happy with it, as it takes the edge off a bit, RAD
Hm... can't wait to see the next step...
Sorry for the delayed response to your comment -- I imagine this is why bloggers make comments moderated, so they know when something new comes in!
Certainly our floor were painted. The evidence throughout the house appears to be that they were originally a deep blue-green, and then an orange-red. We have left those pigments undisturbed in the pantry and hall closet, in order that a future steward may return them to that color if they choose. Reasons we did not paint the floors: we had to sand all surfaces, as the carpet adhesive was applied directly to the wood, and was insusceptible to light sanding, scraping, or chemical peel. Once they were sanded, the wood was so pretty it seemed a pity to paint it, and we figured it could be painted at any point in the future.
Some narrow loom, hand sewn wall to wall options are very tempting, but out of our budget at present.
Thank you for your thorough and very comprehensive comment -- I hope I will get similar on other house posts.
Amazing floors-- and I also love your slippers--is that worn-away fur?
In case you have a BitTorrent client, that's the "Strange Powers" torrent, the only one which actually works! It will make you want to buy a frog caller (and, if you're anything like me, will renew your neverending quest to attend a live show... sigh).
Okay you're killing us :-) We need an update here.
OK Nick just been over to Mondo Blogo please please show us your Colombian modernist finds
Ms. Fabulous,
All in good time, all in good time ... but I'm excited that you're excited.
I love the red for your walls near your stairs. It's a great choice you made with the red.
-Zane of ontario honey
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