It may not have come across in earlier photos, but the ceiling in Living Room 1 was a complete disaster, the structural integrity of which Steven spent all spare time over a three week period to repair. First hundreds of small holes were drilled into the ceiling, following cracks closely.

Then those holes were filled with sizing to prepare the plaster and lathe to respond well to a specialized adhesive. Adhesive was added with a syringe, and the whole thing screwed into tight contact with a flexing, purpose-specific washer to prevent pressure damage.

After several days of carefully monitored drying, all of the hundreds of holes were filled with joint compound, then the entire ceiling meticulously plastered over, effectively covering all sins. Then I spent a stupid number of hours sanding the entire thing by hand so that none of the irregularities created by the repairs would catch the light.
Ceiling primed -- it look even better now with the finish paint, but this is the primer:
Then to cover the appalling red on the walls! This took 3 coats of primer:
This is to be a rich, complex white, which you'll get to see next. But in the image above, note the holly tree through the left window, and the rhododendron in the two right windows. The dead-looking branch in the room is a dormant fig tree.
And that's what we've been doing the last month. Fun, right? I can tell you that the light in this room is downright delicious, and I'm thinking of bringing a lovely grand tour Apollo here from storage in Chicago -- our own private classical wing.
congratulations on a beautiful job! so interesting to see the details. Loverly.
The renos are looking great!!! This was me almost three years ago....plastering and painting. I though it would never end, but it finally did! I'm glad I had the opportunity to fix a 100 yo house that has now become a rad little home for our little family.
Looking really good mate!!! (especially the red and white steps)
KITCHEN what are you doing about the KITCHEN
Nick my goodness the place looks beautiful beautiful beautiful. How much work you and Steven must be putting into the project. I am jealous but most of all very happy for you!
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