
An Island

I've long admired La Blogotheque's Take Away Shows, a project where the fast and raw techniques of Dogma 95 filmmaking are brought to videos of indie musicians playing unannounced performances on the streets of Paris. Virtually all of the interesting, relatively well known indie bands you can think of have worked with the filmmaker, Vincent Moon, to create a short -- I should say that I have never enjoyed recordings of performances, because they always seem to pale in comparison to the experiencing live performance -- but Moon's films come close. They are truly beautiful and immersive.

He has a new film coming out in February, in which he worked with the Danish band Efterklang. It's called An Island:

AN ISLAND - 3rd TEASER - Vincent Moon & Efterklang from Rumraket on Vimeo.

"August 2010, French filmmaker Vincent Moon and Efterklang's 8 piece-live band met up on an island in the Danish country side. The objective was to shoot a film. A film with the same length as an album, and a film full of performances, experiments and collaborations."

AN ISLAND - 1st TEASER - Vincent Moon & Efterklang from Rumraket on Vimeo.

"Over an intense period of 4 days Efterklang collaborated with more than 200 local musicians, kids and parents, creating new performances and interpretations of songs from their Magic Chairs album. It was all filmed by Vincent Moon who same time conducted several filmic and musical experiments with Efterklang as his dedicated play mates."

It look pretty neat, don't you think? I look forward to it.

Vincent Moon's biography on Wikipedia is disgustingly precious and it makes me wildly jealous:
"He has been living on the road since January 2009, experimenting on nomadic cinema and traveling to film rare musicians around the world. He now works alone or with people he finds on the road, and most of the time without money involved in the projects, trying to redefine the limits of cinema in the 21st century. In 2011 he will begin work on his new collection of recordings, Petites Planetes, dedicated to experimentation between images and sounds, shot around the world."

Petites Planetes indeed.

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